Am I being unreasonable?


My husband and I have three vehicles. Two trucks and a motorcycle, all of which are his. "My" truck has been having issues for about a year now with overheating. My husband tried to fix it last summer, but was not able to, so he did a temporary fix that got us through the summer. Because it was so cold out during the winter, there was no issue. Well now that it has been getting hot outside, it is overheating again. While I am driving, it will start to overheat and I have to turn the heat on to pull heat from the engine and cool it down and sometimes that doesn't even help, so I have to pull off to the side of the road and wait for it to cool down. It smokes almost every day.

Last week he decided to finally fix it. The issue is a gasket that needs replaced because the truck is pouring coolant. He got towards the end and there is a bold that is rounded off and he can't get off. He and his dad (who has worked on cars his whole life) have tried everything all week and still can't get it off. So now my husband is just going to put the truck back together so I can have my truck back, but it will still have the same overheating issue.

Now here's where I need your opinions. My husband's truck is a manual and I have not learned how to drive it yet, I'm almost there. He also has his motorcycle, which I will not go near. I hate motorcycles. I asked my husband if he would finish teaching me how to drive his truck and trade me until we can actually get my truck fixed. So I would be taking his truck every day and he would be able to take my truck or his motorcycle wherever he needs go go. He is refusing to allow me to take his truck. I explained to him that I cannot deal with my truck and it's issues all summer. It stresses me out and if a real issue occurs, I would not know how to deal with it properly like he would. Also, I'm a babysitter and need to have a reliable vehicle. I don't want to have the kids in my car when it breaks down, especially with how hot it gets here. He still won't budge.

He got a few estimates from shops to see how much they would charge to fix it and it will be around $1300-1400, which we cannot afford. It's not like his truck is nice and new, they are both late 90's-early 2000's. He bought his a few months ago, so it's still new to him and I think that's what the main issue is. To him, his is the new truck and mine is the old one. My truck is borderline a safety hazard and I don't feel comfortable putting the kids I watch in it if I have to. I have brought this up to him and he doesn't think it's as big of a deal as I'm making it.

I understand they are all his and he gets to make the desicion on which one he drives, but you would think his wife's safety would come above he desire to drive the newer one. Right? That's what is really bothering me about this whole thing. He doesn't seem to care about my safety or the kids I babysit. These are someone else's children. I refuse to put them in harm's way like this.

Sorry this is so long and all over the place. I tend to ramble when I'm aggravated.