
So recently ended things with my now ex decided to block him on everything, we’re having a baby girl in 3 months and he’s not even been around that much during my pregnancy, he cheated on me when I was 3 months then went on holiday for a month I tried forgiving him and moving on but still he makes me feel like shit and he doesn’t act like he’s in a relationship always going clubbing not getting home until 4am every day, his phone always off. I’ve seen him 4 times in the past 3 weeks and he’s always giving me some lame excuses and when I say I’m leaving he begs me to forgive him and that he’s gona change and the same shit will happen that same day/night. When we first found out I was pregnant he told me to have an abortion since he’s Muslim and it’s wrong because we’re not married but eventually he came around to the idea as I simply told him it takes 2 to make a baby you knew that before having sex with me and I wasn’t on birth control.

So my question is, am I being selfish for blocking him and not wanting him in my life anymore. I have given him many chances and I feel like if I carry on my heart will break even more and I’ll end up getting depressed.

I don’t want to stay in a relationship just because we’re having a baby & I highly doubt he will be around after baby is born or he’ll be in and out her life like he is with mine.

What can I say to him to help him understand where My minds at right now and how I need reassurance that he still wants to be in baby’s life. Because rn no communication is going on simply because he never has his phone on or because he simply doesn’t reply.

I don’t want to see comments about how I’m using my child as a pawn, when I clearly stated I want him to be in her life. But being with him and staying in contact will lead to

More toxic shit that I don’t need

Ofc I’ll keep him updated on baby but I’ll block him until I need to do so

If you’ve gone through something similar advice would be much appreciated 🥰