am i too young?


I feel like i’m always being told i’m too young for things even though i have enough maturity for my opinions and ideas to be taken seriously. I really want a serious relationship that i can connect with the person and they will inspire and support me and i will do the same for them. i want a love story. i want to write a novel, paint a picture, create something. i want to leave an outlasting mark on the world. i have so much potential and i’m told i can’t use it because ‘i’m too young’ and that ‘i can still do it when i’m older’ i want to live. i want to go out and party and tell that girl who is wearing a shirt over her swim suit that she looks amazing. I want to tell the girl who wore her hair down for the first time all school year that she is rocking that style. i want to tell the quiet kid in class they have an amazing voice. i want to help everyone with everything and make them feel even a little better. i want to create and i want to explore and help others. i want to be a psychologist/therapist so i can understand people’s mind and help them. i want to make a difference- but i can’t today. and that’s what’s killing me