How to get fasting numbers down!


Recently diagnosed with GD and was given the prick test thing yesterday. I have to test during the following times:

Day 1:

Before breakfast

Before lunch

Before dinner

Before bed

Day 2:

Before breakfast

1-2hrs after breakfast

1-2hrs after lunch

1-2hrs after dinner

And repeat day 1, day 2 etc.

During my glucose test the only one I ‘failed’ was the fasting one (first blood test). I had to be under 5.0 and I tested 5.4.

The dr said I need to call them if I test 5.1 or above 3 days in a row or 5 times a week BEFORE BREAKFAST.

I tested this morning before breakfast and resulted 5.5..... this is the one I’m most concerned about.

My question: HOW DO I GET THIS NUMBER DOWN? I do NOT want to have to give myself insulin 😓😥

Photo attached of today’s readings (so far - it’s 4pm).