Moving out of state


Alright. So my husband just got accepted to work at a place that is out of state, but not too terribly far from where we live (about a 5 hour drive). He starts July 1st, so we don't have a lot of time to get everything packed, ready, and find a new place. But honestly that isn't the biggest of my worries.

I have no clue what all I need to do when it comes to our kids. How to go about getting a new pediatrician. Do I need to request their medical files or would they be able to transfer the files to their new pediatrician when we get one there? Same with dental? What about school? I looked into when to register my oldest for her new school, but do I need to request anything from my daughter's old school? Is there anything else specifically related to my girls that I may be forgetting?? Does it being out of state make some things more different than it would have been? I'm at such a loss and any advice or tips would be great!!