How to ween baby off

Bri • Married and mother to babygirl💓

So my daughter is almost 11 months and i have been breastfeeding her the whole 11 months without any formula or anything . She barely has gotten a bottle unless i had to pump then she would once in a blue moon. Well my goal was to breastfeed for the whole year and as the year is coming close I’m looking into how to ween her off . She loves eating solids so she really doesn’t breastfeed during the day unless she gets upset , mostly it’s just at night . Some nights, she’ll fall asleep without it and some nights she needs it . But , it never fails that in the middle of the night MULITPLE times a night she wakes up to breastfeed ( she sleeps with us) half asleep then i switch out the breast for the pacifier or sometimes she just knocks out that she takes it out her mouth herself . How can i stop this ? I’d love to get uninterrupted sleep and usually at this time i thought i would . She’s going through a big leap right now so she’s already not getting good sleep so i don’t plan on weening quite yet, just looking for options