
I’m in need to venting big time. So we’ve struck out 9 times. I’ve tried EVERYTHING. I’ve been on prenatals since day 1. I’ve used preseed. I’ve used menstrual cups. I’ve gotten my husband to take motility boost, fertilaid, and maca root supplements even though his test was normal. I track my ovulation monthly. I don’t understand how nothing is working. I’ll be taking Clomid this cycle along with getting my hsg test done to see if there r any blockages. It blows my mind that people around me are getting pregnant so easily. I have one friend who got pregnant her second month of trying. I’m so happy for her but I also wonder what I’m doing wrong. Then I have another friend who got pregnant her third month of trying and when she told us, she said “OMG you guys don’t know how easy it is to get pregnant.” So insensitive. Then I heard of one girl who cried when she found out she was having a boy because she wanted a girl. And here I am STRUGGLING and would be happy with any gender but girls like that get pregnant. I’m just soooooooo disheartened right now.