Dear husband

There aren’t enough words to express how much I hate you and wish you would leave and never come back. You took my life away from me. Verbally and mentally abused me for years and prevented me from moving on time and again. You got me pregnant knowing I would never have an abortion. Threatened to take my child from me unless I married you. I became your indentured servant that day. I am not your equal and never will be. I will always be less than you and you will always make sure to keep me there. I will never know what it’s like to be in a loving relationship. Will never know what it’s like to be loved or adored by my partner. Will never have any of those moments little girls dream about like when a man tells you how much he loves you and wants to spend his life with you and wants to marry you. All I will ever know is that according to you, I am not woman enough, I do not deserve any of those things. You said any woman would be lucky to be in my position, to be married to you, but that there isn’t a man on this earth that would want to be in your shoes. You tell me all the time I’m flawed and unlovable. Yet you always pretend when in the presence of company. For Valentine’s Day you told me you wished I would die during childbirth so you could be free of me. I believe you actually meant that. It kills me that I cannot leave you. Our child loves you to pieces and her smile lights up the room when she sees you. How can I take that from her? Her life is just starting. It’s not her fault. I lived my life and made mistakes and this is my penance.