Was I overreacting?

My boyfriend and I had got into an argument last night. It first started when I asked him to help me fix my car ac. He told me before if I had any problems with my car to go to him, that he knows about cars. I'm sure if I went to someone else he would of got mad. Anyways I got the item from Wal-Mart to recharge my ac. I'm telling him what the directions says. He basically tells me to be quiet that's he's trying to read the directions. At this point, I listen to him and let him do his thing. It didn't work and as he was leaving, he realized that I was right, that he missed a step. So now me and him are aruging. It made me hurt because when he needed me to bring him gas, I did. And when I had asked him for help he acts like He didn't care. And once when I got a mechanic He was mad at me because apparently He knows about cars. He asked me to take him to this place. He drove my car and I was in the passegner side. He comes back with a man and girl, trying to give them a ride in my car. He didn't even asked me for permission. He just told me to put my sit up and that we are giving them a ride. I honestly feel like that was extremely disrespectful. I feel like he should of asked me before agreeing to give them a ride. So they left. I didn't let those people in my car. He doesn't even know the guy that well. So me and him are aruging. He comes with me to pick up his package at my house. He falls asleep in the driver side, and he won't wake up. I'm trying to wake up so I can take him home because there's no ac in my car and he leaves far. I tap on him to wake him up. He tells me to stop touching him. Next thing I knows that he's calling the cops on me while he's in my car refusing to leave saying that I hit him. At this moment I got my mom and my sister's involved and he finally moved and let me take him home. The last thing he said to me was to "drive safe " and he deleted me off of snapchat