The Waterpark- Part 23

I’m being cut into. I can’t feel it. But I know it’s happening. I assume I’m under anesthesia. My eyes are closed, but I can see everything. I’ve been in this room, with these people for hours. It’s exhausting. If I’m gonna die, I should be spending it with who I love. Although, I haven’t quite figured out who that is yet. The mood of the room shifts. Panic. I flatlined. That has to be it. It has to be. It—

Flowers. Lilies. Sunflowers. It’s beautiful. All the flowers I wished to be lost in when Carter was mad at me. I walk further and find roses. My favorite. It’s like I’m in...heaven. I’m dead. I sigh and walk to a bench hidden in the flowers. I sit with my head in my hands and think of all the goodbyes that weren’t said. The hugs that weren’t given. A hand rests on my back. I jump at the sudden contact. I look up at him.

“ Carter?” He smiles. “ Oh God. Are you dead? Oh, Carter.” I cry.

“ What? You’re not dead, Shay.”

“ I flatlined. I’m dead.”

“ Yeah, no. This is right before you die. Or live. Kind of like a waiting room. Like the one Jaime and I are in right now in real life.”

“ I-I don’t understand.” I stutter.

“ It’s a waiting room. When you get out of here, you’ll either go back to us or—.”

“ Or I’ll just be gone.” I finish.

“ Yeah. But on the bright side. No better time to figure things out than a life or death waiting room, huh?” He sits on the bench.

“ Uh, yeah. Yeah. Sure.” I blink. “ Carter I’m sorry. I—.”

“ Do you love him?” He interrupts.

“ Uh, what?”

“ Jaime. Do you love him?”

“ Yeah. Yes. But you know that already. Remember? When you called me a conniving little bitch in the hospital room?” I say, giving him a look.

“ How I acted in there. Was...fucked up to say the least. I’m sorry. But, Shay you have to understand. I see my crush of 2 years making out with the person that sexually assaulted her. It was hard. To know you chose him.” He looks down.

“ Carter.” I breathe.

“ No, it’s okay. Shay, it’s okay. But you need to hear this before...whatever happens.” He turns my head to face him.

“ I love you. Always have. Always will. Even if you choose Jaime, I’ll still love you. I’ll always be here for you. You call my name, I’ll be there. No matter what.” He crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss him back. He rests his forehead against mine. He opens his eyes and stares me down.

“ You have a choice to make, Shay. Open your eyes.”

I’m back in the room with the people. The panic calms down and they resume cutting into me. The mood shifts. Again. Panic. Again.

Cars. Tv projector playing Sixteen Candles. Drive-in movie theater. Where Jaime and I had our first date. I see his car. I sit in the passenger seat, like I did 9 months ago. I stare into space. Someone places a kiss on my head. Jaime. He opens the door and plops down on the driver’s seat. He turns to face me.

“ Remember this night?” He asks.

“ Of course I do.” I say, distant.

“ What’s on your mind?” He asks.

“ Just a conversation I had with Carter before this.” I say.

“ Well, get ready to hear another one.” He says turning towards me. He takes my hands in his.

“ Shay. I am so sorry. For everything. For how the relationship ended. For the assault. For everything. I don’t deserve your mercy, but that’s one of things I love the most about you. Your compassion. God knows I’m the least deserving person, but yet, you give it in full. I don’t know what Carter told you. But I love you. And I assume he does too. God, Shay. I love you so much. So fucking much. You mean everything to me. Everything. I need you to believe me. I know my track record doesn’t exactly support my argument but, Shay, you have to know that I would and will do anything for you. I would give up everything if it meant I got to be with you. No matter who or what you choose. I’ll always love you. And will always do anything for you. Always.” He finishes, sighing.

“ Jaime—.” I start, but he connects his lips to mine. I kiss him back.

“ Just in case.” He breathes. He places his forehead against mine. This feels oddly familiar.

“ You have a choice to make, Shay. Open your eyes.”

Open your eyes.

Open your eyes.

Their voices echo in my head.

Open your eyes.

Open your eyes.


I’m back.

Part 24?? I love seeing how invested you guys are in the story line. I’m really enjoying writing this, and I’m glad you guys are enjoying reading it! Thanks for reading another chapter! 💕❤️