Life isn't this just fun

Ok so little background here I have low spectrum autism. It's not 100% noticeable when I am online or when I post. Unless you actually pay attention to what I post. It takes me longer to process things than most people. And I dont always understand body language and things like that. Any who For the past few weeks I have been on Facebook and alot of my friends and family have been giving excuses for an abortion. I personally dont give a shit it's not my body and I would not get one willingly so I dont care. But they have been saying that autism is a good reason to abort. Now normally I would keep scrolling and do my own thing. But I dont get why someone would kill someone like me. I didn't think I was a big problem while I was growing up.but I guess my family would have wanted me gone before I even got here. I dont know it has just been heartbreaking to see how meny people think I dont deserve life. Granted I was just fine with my cat memes and messing with random bots. I mean do I ask for an apology. Or do I approve for being an inconvenient part of their family?I was good without knowing that information.