Would you date someone who has a child or children for that matter ?

I had a recent conversation with my friend who just had a baby with a man who is 8 years older than her ( she's 26 , he's 34) . He has 3 kids from two previous relationships; he's been married once to my knowledge. 
I explained to her how I didn't understand why she would even get herself into a situation like that. Why date someone who already has children? Let alone you get pregnant for them AND decide to have the child. You don't know what's it's like to have a " sick child" one day, don't know what it's like to go to PTA meetings the next.. You aren't ready for that and dealing with someone else's child could be annoying as ever. 
So what does everyone think? Would you date a man or even a woman with a child or children ? 🙅🏼🙅🏼🙅🏼🙅🏼

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