Am I obsessed?

Sabrina • 🎀💖 Little miss Charlie Rae was born on July 4th 2016!! Little miss Delainey Courtney Louise was born on August 12th 2019!! 🎀💖
It seems as if every single moment all I am worried about is becoming pregnant. I am constantly praying that I'm pregnant, talking about how I'm TTC, or how I could possibly be pregnant. I take pregnancy tests nearly every day and am practically looking at them with a microscope to see the faintest lines. Also, my internet history is full of articles on pregnancy or early preganancy signs. I am Trying for my first, have been trying for 20 months, and have just recently had an early miscarriage. I believe I may slightly be obsessed, but I want this SO badly. Is there anyone else out there like that? Maybe your stories will put my mind at ease to know I'm not the only one.