Unplanned birth story

Ok, where to even begin. I was 9 days overdue so I was scheduled for an induction. When I arrived at the hospital and got checked in, they inserted a foley balloon which was inside for 12 hours exactly. It didn't really hurt, was just uncomfortable. Throughout the night (stayed in the hospital) I had minor contractions here and there but got some tablets to calm them down which helped me sleep. In the morning at 6am they took out the balloon, and I waited till 4pm to get admitted into birthing suites to further my induction. When I finally got admitted, they broke my waters around 6pm. This didn't hurt me at all. Long story short, I ended up dilating to a full 10cm by 2am and that's when I started pushing. I had nothing apart from laughing gas, which helped but when it wears off you wanna die. The contractions were horrible. I wanted to literally die. My body couldn't take the pain. They couldn't give me an epidural by then though because I was fully open. I pushed for 4-5 hours till about 7 in the morning and I just couldn't push my baby out. We tried every position, and I just couldn't do it. My body was so tired, by this time I had absolutely NO energy. I tried my absolute best, and nothing. Apparently babies head was too high up. The nurses rushed in and said I need to have an emergency ceserean right away because I was fully dilated for so long and couldnt push anymore. Ended up delivering my baby via emergency c section an hour later. Quick and easy, but wow the recovery and after pain is on another level! When I had my c section, they had to use forceps to pull babies head out because by then she was too low. Fuck, you can never win can you. But baby is here, happy and healthy. And I am blessed. It's amazing how as a first time mum you have this perfect plan, but let me tell you .. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! Prepare for anything. And don't be dissapointed in yourself if you can't do something. We are amazing no matter what. No matter how you brig your baby into this world, your a hero. Women are fucking amazing!