Possible cycle cancellation...help!

Elysa • Mom of 3 boys 👦🏻👦🏼👶🏼 and married💍 for 8 years. 🤰#4 due 07/25/22

Ok, I’m feeling all kinds of feels! My husband and I have started our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> cycle 12 days ago. So naturally I’ve been nervous. Yesterday my nurse called to go over my 10 day check and told me out of the 24 follicles I have 7 that are growing and 3-5 will probably fully mature. After that she then told me my doctor may cancel my entire cycle but I won’t know until they check me again tomorrow morning.

Obviously 5 babies would be crazy and a huge risk for me, I’m a tiny 5’1 chick, so I’d be ok with canceling.

Sooo I’m wondering... have any of you been in a situation with a high number of growing follicles? If so what happened? Is there a chance at all that my cycle won’t get canceled??