I don’t know anymore

I have 5 children youngest 5 weeks old

Me and partner not getting on. Too long to go into. But also I am not coping with baby. He is unsettled all day and night

Tonight partner starts screaming at me saying I leave him to sort baby other night when he had work next day I am confused he told me to go bed as I’d had little ones all day and no sleep previous night plus I didn’t just leave him like he said he done bottle feed I made bottles done nappy changes etc

Tonight I’ve had enough I said feel like killing myself. He said if I did then he would hurt my older 3 children who I have from a previous relationship because he couldn’t punish me when I’m dead?!?!

Then he said I have until morning to apologise to him for upsetting him or else. But then he says he will be leaving and I will work around hi when he sees kids etc and can have them?