Im terrified of everything

So I have some problems were I fear...everything honestly. So here's the problem: My BFFs want to go to Six Flags and I want to go, but I'm scared of heights and rollercoasters stuff like that. Last time I went on a ride with them (the rainbow @ wonderland ) I had an anxiety attack on the ride and couldn't move or almost breathe, so they had to help me off the ride. Now my friends know this and I usually at and by the rides and watch because I love seeing them happy it makes me happy. I've explained this to them and I think they are annoyed that I have this fear. I've been told "dont let it control you" And "your fine" And by one of them who is way tougher than I am "stop being a little bitch about it, I'mma go even though I'm scared mama didn't raise a bitch" Then I'm stuck here like mine did though so y'all can go I just want to watch. I told my mom about my problem and she thought it was funny and I don't know what to do I want to spend time with my BFFs but I wish I wasn't terrified of stuff like this I wish they understood what I mean.

If you have any advice for me (on how to get rid of this) then please tell