delayed birth story

Ashley • 👧🏽🧑🏽

As I am in the process of making a baby book, I figured I would share my birthing experience to help other mommas.

*trigger warnings*

I had made it past my due date just as I predicted. I went to my 40 week check up planning to return to work. My first came at 41 weeks exactly and I was only 40 + 2. I had a marginal cord insertion and because of this had growth checks every four weeks. During my biophysical sonogram, baby’s heart rate had some pretty big fluctuations but the technician did not seem too concerned. I met with my Ob. afterwards. She told me I had low fluid and if I hadn’t been full term she would have put me on baby rest. Instead she sent me to Labor and Delivery to be induced. I called/texted everyone with my new directions. I went home to wait for my husband to get off work.

We FINALLY made it to the hospital around 2:00pm, nearly four hours later. My husband has no concept of time when he is at work. I was not admitted until 3:00pm. Once I was hooked up to monitors, my nurse realized my baby was having trouble breathing. The nursing staff continued to maneuver my body and put me on oxygen until baby’s vitals were better and consistent. At 8:00pm, the nurse inserted Cervdail with hopes of it pushing me into labor. Which come 9:00pm, I was feeling those contractions.

Baby’s heart rate continued to jump up and down. I was confined to bed and heavily monitored. Nearly every 30 minutes the nurses would come and move my body and stuff pillows places to get baby’s heart rate down. At 1:30am despite all the contractions, I was only 3 centimeters. I asked and received the epidural as I was closing in on being awake for 24 hours. It took longer than expected to get some relief and then baby’s heart rate become extremely unsteady. The nursing staff put me back oxygen and my night nurse revealed that she thought the cord was wrapped around baby’s neck.

By 4:00am I had reached 8 centimeters, baby’s heart rate seemed “content” and I still had had zero sleep. Which at that point I was fine as long as my baby safe. Two hours later, I was at 10 centimeters. We did 3 practice pushes before the nurse told me stop immediately to call for the Ob. Of course, the Ob. on call was in the midst of a c-section. I listened to the nurses continue to ask for updates until the next Ob. came in for her shift.

Belatedly at 8:30am, the Ob. walked in. My relief dropped as I realized it was the same doctor who has taken me into her office 10 months ago explaining that I was having a miscarriage. My husband held my hand tighter. The fear on his face was evident... the sky rocketing heart rate, our odd placenta problems, losing the other baby, all mixed up with possible cord wrapped around baby’s neck. It was all finally coming to an end.

After my first push, meconium was present. Second push baby was out! She placed him on my lower stomach as whatever was up with cord would only allow baby as far as my belly button. I waited for baby’s cries and my husband to announce baby’s sex. He was speechless and just had his hand clutches to his chest. He finally did cut the cord and they placed baby on my chest. We have a boy. After all the months of ups and downs, he was here.

At 8:43am, 7 lbs and 12 oz our little rainbow baby entered the world.

All was right with the world and we could not wait to introduce our daughter to her little brother.

Approximately 11 hours in labor & 5 minutes of pushing including my practice pushes.

With my first, I labored 15.5 hours & 10 minutes of pushing (including practice). With her I was able to pull her from body and place her on my chest which was pretty incredible. I would suggest if you get the opportunity!

Birth on, Mommas!