Clear Blue advanced OPK


Hi ladies!

First and foremost, thank you for being my sanity and saving grace throughout this crazy ride! It’s nice to have a netWork of women that support one another and build each other up!

Anyway! Forgive my ignorance but I’m new to this! I recently purchased the clear blue digital advanced OPK (the one with the smiley face and blinking smiley face)

Unlike other opk kits I read about this one states using first urine after longest sleep. Just want to confirm that means first morning pee!?

Second, when is the most important time to have sex, as soon as you see a flashing smiley face? Once the smiley face doesn’t flash? Or the days prior to or after smiley faces?

Last— if you ovulate and then take the test, will you receive a non flashing smiley face?

Sorry for stupid questions just want to make sure I am tracking correctly!