She’s such a bitch

My mom doesn’t care when it comes to something awesome happening to either me or my brother. We try to explain what happened, and she’ll sit there interrupting us, yelling that we’re wrong, and completely kill our happiness. So my brother gets recognized by game grumps on their live stream tonight. He’s SUPER excited because they told him to send them a private message on their Facebook to get our address so they can send him some merch for catching onto something they were singing. I heard my brother scream in his room. He runs out to tell our parents what had happened, and mom (drunk) is just a complete bitch about it.

She asked what a livestream was, and Riley tried to explain that it was when you watch someone who is live. She kept interrupting every 5 seconds saying “No, you’re wrong. Live streaming is when you go live and people can see you!!!! I went live in Vegas last week. That’s what’s it is!!!!” My brother said, “no, it’s when someone is live and you’re watching them.” She kept saying, “Oh, so they can see what you and what doing. They can see you drinking beer.” My brother shrugs it off and continues the story. My mom the entire time has this “not interested” attitude saying “yeah, Mhh, ok” completely rude and uninterested. He gets to the part about messaging them and she interrupts and says “DO NOT SEND THEM OUR ADDRESS! ITS A SCAM!!!!! YOURE GONNA HAVE TO PAY FOR IT!!!!” Completely crushing his happiness and ruining it all.

These people are legit. My boyfriend and I just saw them in Seattle 2 weeks ago for their pretour. We’re also both huge fans. Of course my mom can never be happy for us. She always has to kill the mood. It’s even worse when she’s sober. She’ll sit there and tell you to shut up or tell you you’re stupid because she doesn’t agree with something you’re saying. Always has to be right, always has to have the last word, and you can’t defend yourself or she’ll smack or punch your arm/leg.