Can i get this apartment?


I have a 754 credit score and I've always had good credit always pay it off on time and even early. Never missed or delayed a payment. My score has always been in the 700s and reached 800s at one point. Recently my husband lost his job so I started working to compensate. My first couple paychecks were a little wonky but my monthly income will be $1680. My husband currently gets $800 a month in unemployment. Making our monthly $2480... The apartment base rent is $1183. The only paystubs I was able to send were $300/$600/$700 (normal $840+)

Idk man they checked my credit twice now and that's gonna suck if we don't get the apartment. The lady seems optimistic but she's also very odd? The background check came back positive which was expected. As for debt we have none. No loans, no payments, no other inquiries for anything on our credit. What do you guys think??? I'm so scared and anxious 😬🤦💩

(I'm 21 my husband is 22 we've been married for almost 3yrs and we have a 5month old baby. This is our first home together and have no rental history)

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