Would you get rid of your twins if he didn’t want them?

My partner and I.. well I say partner but he’s now my ex after finding out I’m pregnant.. I’m 10 weeks pregnant with identical twins and I’m really excited. But so far he’s been mentally and emotionally trying to manipulate me into an abortion.. he lost his mother 3 years ago this year and says he’s still grieving and he is not in the right mind frame to be a dad. I don’t want to add stress to his plate or send him into a spiriting depression so I agreed only for him and his feelings to have an abortion. I have a surgical abortion booked for tomorrow morning and I can’t stop crying because I really don’t want to do it.. I suffer from depression and can just feel myself going in to such a low place.. he’s made it so hard, he’s called me every name under the sun and even wished me dead.. the stress of it all is getting to me which is the only thing making me even consider going to this appointment tomorrow.. just to be rid of him and all the stress he’s bringing me.. the burden of feeling like you’ve ruined someone’s life is too much to bare.. but when I try to tell him about what this is doing to me it’s like I’m not even a factor in all this.. I’m so lost and confused, please ladies if the father of your child didn’t want your twins would you have an abortion to not force children on him when he’s not ready?