Should I go for it?

So I found out a few months ago that the guy I like, likes me back and I want to know if I should go for it. There is an age gap, I am 14 and he is 17. A while back he did like my one of my best friends and to me that’s a really big red flag because they still talk some times and I know that she doesn’t like him but idk if he still likes her. I haven’t told anyone that I like him yet because my friends already think it’s weird that he likes me because of the age gap and he does go to a different school but his mom works at my school so he is there a lot. We have been texting for a couple of months now and he’s been really flirty and even asked one of my other friends if I liked him and told her that he likes me. But now he’s been kinda distant for the past couple weeks and we haven’t been texting much. Any advice on this situation?