

don’t read if you are going to be rude!

my parents are not happy together, and they haven’t been for as long as i’ve been alive.

my dad is always accusing my mom of cheating ( i don’t think she is but i wouldn’t be surprised if she was because i couldn’t deal with my dad either ) so they are always fighting.

my mom works as a funeral director which means she is almost always working. resulting in my dad to accuse her of disappearing.

he has her location on snapchat but sometimes it doesn’t show up because she doesn’t always use snapchat. he even went so far as to put a gps tracker in her purse which i told him was low and dirty of him.

my dad and i are best friends, or are supposed to be. lately i can’t stand him. He’s always annoying me and worst of all , he won’t stop fighting with my mom. he gets so upset he likes to throw things around the house. he broke our old tv by throwing his shoe at the screen because he got so mad. he popped a bag of potato chips and i decided to clean it all up since my mom was already crying.

he acts as if i’m the worst kid ever sometimes even though i get straight A’s and i always have. I’m very respectful unless he pushes me to a point where i just can’t take it anymore. and by that point i just stay quiet in order to not be disrespectful but he makes me so angry.

He wont leave me mom because he’s stubborn but honestly them being together is so much worse than them splitting up.

Then when my mom is upset she takes it out on me so i just have to put up with it.

I know i can’t do anything but i just needed to vent. if you read this, thanks ❤️.