Compensation for grandparents providing child care

I’m self employed and about to be a FTM. My parents are retired and now live in the same town as us. We will utilize them for child care 2-3 afternoons per week, and I’m wondering what others think about fair compensation.

I definitely DO want to compensate them somehow for their time and efforts. Just not sure what. It will still be a great savings to us as compared to traditionally hired child care. I’ve asked my mom what her feelings are about what is fair, but curious what others think or what your experiences are/were.

I have a friend who’s sister babysits and they don’t pay her at all. It’s a point of contention and I think my friend has really taken advantage of her sisters generosity. The sister asked if maybe they would even just pay her phone bill. Minimal in my opinion for the time she puts in. But they have yet to pay her in any way. Yes she has agreed to the situation, but I definitely don’t want to end up in a situation where someone feels taken advantage of.