Maybe implantation?

My husband and I have been TTC for about 7 months now with no success. My period is like clockwork. I literally NEVER spot. And I was supposed to start my period on Monday morning. It’s Wednesday evening. And she never showed up.... until i thought today.

While I was at work, I felt like maybe I had started my period and went to the bathroom to get my AF protection. There was no blood in the toilet. But there was a deeeeeep brownish smear on the TP. Not enough for a tampon or pad.... but put a pad on anyway so I had protection (since my job has me around patients all afternoon).

Got home and went to the bathroom and was going to change out protection and it still wasn’t heavy enough for said armor. It’s just really odd that out of nowhere it’s late and abnormal amount. Anyone else experience this? I feel like it’s not implantation bleeding because of the consistency of it.