52 hours- long post!!

R • She/Her

Hey everyone!! This is very late, but what can you do 🤷🏻‍♀️

I was due March 8th with my son, that day came and went with nothing. Finally on Monday the 11th I started having period cramps around 1pm so my husband and I went to the mall near our house to walk (it was really cold outside lol). By nighttime, it was painful contractions about 8-10 minutes apart. The midwife came to my house, and I was only 1.5 cm so she gave me some gravol to sleep and left. By the next day, the contractions had slowed down a bit, but were still coming regularly and were painful, but I hadn’t felt baby move since the night before so we went in to the clinic for a non stress test. Baby was doing fine, and while I was there they checked me and I was still only at 2cm so the tried to stretch me a little more. By Tuesday night, I had contractions every 4-6 minutes and I couldn’t talk anymore so at about 1am Wednesday morning, we went into the hospital. After walking for an hour or so, they sent me home because I was still only at 2 cm. I went to my regularly scheduled appointment on Wednesday morning, after having contractions all night, and was finally at a 3!! We went to the hospital and got admitted around 2:30pm on Wednesday (13th), and once we were there my midwife discovered that baby was facing my hip rather than my spine and wasn’t putting enough pressure to make me dilate properly, so she broke my water. After that we did some stairs, walked, and I bounced on a ball for a while. It finally got to where the pain was enough that I needed to get in the tub. After being in the tub for a while, I started shaking and she pulled me out to check me. I was still only 4cm, so we went back to the room and discussed the options since I had hardly made any progress and it was already 6pm. We decided that an epidural would be the best thing so that my body could rest, and starting pitocin to help contractions along since baby had started getting a bruise on his head. The anesthesiologist finally came at 7:30 and put in the epidural (she was my hero, did it in less than a minute and relief in less than 5😍) and at this point, baby’s heart rate started going up and down, so they brought in the OBGYN to consult. She asked me to choose between a csection and starting pitocin knowing that if baby went into distress we would have to go for one anyways. I asked to try for 1 hour with pitocin to see how baby coped and go from there. Starting at that point, from when she checked me again at 9:30pm I had gone from 4cm to 8cm!! By 1am baby was far enough down that it was time to start pushing, and he was in my arms by 1:31 am on Thursday the 14th ❤️ he was perfect, 7lbs 12oz and 20” long... baby and I were both doing so well, that we were released to go home and were in our own bed by 5:30am with regular midwife home visits!!