Medical mystery: No doctor knows. HELP!

This is my last resort. I'm hoping someone can help. My father has seen every specialist out there but no one seems to know what's wrong. So my dad has been experiencing extreme vertigo daily to the point where he's almost falling down and can't walk straight, he feels like he can't breathe and has trouble breathing, and has a heavy feeling in his chest as if someone is sitting on him, he has constant ringing in his ears, and now is getting tingling and numbness in his legs. Some days are better than others but most days he has all of these symptoms constantly. He has had these symptoms for over a year now and has been to the cardiologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, ENT specialist, has had his thyroid checked and blood work done, and has been to the emergency room countless times. Every single specialist has conducted numerous tests only for them to come back normal and them to say he's fine and to send him home. He's obviously not fine, he can barely breathe or stand without falling over. Hes also not overweight at all. So now I'm turning to the internet in hopes someone else could help or know of someone who has experienced similar problems. It hurts my heart to see my dad struggle like this daily and be told for a year straight that "everything seems normal" even though we know it's not.