Family members trying to parent your child

I just want to know if I’m over reacting or something. My mom and grandma (mostly my mom) try’s to parent my daughter and it makes me so mad. Like there’s times when they tell my daughter not to do certain stuff that I allow her to do. There’s times when everytime my daughter cries she get told to be quiet or shut up ! Like damn she’s only one , she’s allowed to cry. My daughter have been going down the steps like a “big girl” for about a month now . (Not sliding, actually holding the rail and stepping down) which I allow! But my mom tells her to go down the other way (sliding down) like is this going to confuse her ? And just now I put my daughter in her room to sleep (8pm) I closed the door and let her cry, eventually she will either play until she ready to go to sleep or cry until she sleep. But instead my mom took her to her room for about 30 minutes then put her back into my daughters room now she’s crying and guess what.. my moms yelling at her to get in her bed and etc. like if she would’ve just left her there in the first place you wouldn’t be yelling at her! I’m getting so frustrated idk how to bring it up without sounding rude. Or Am I overreacting