
I think my husband is mildly gaslighting me.

I can't mention it to him because he will get upset that I could even suggest he is that type of person and then tell me how horrible he feels about himself.

I can't suggest couples counseling because he will use his busy work schedule as an excuse as to why he can't go.

I tried going to therapy on my own and it worked for a month or so and then he stopped respecting what my therapist was telling me to do to work on our communication (didn't get a chance to bring up gaslighting).

I don't know what to do. I'm just venting.

DISCLAIMER: If it is actually gaslighting, it's a very very mild form of it. I'm not being physically abused or anything. I have just noticed over the last few months that this happens when we have a fight. He will say one thing and then tell me he never said that. He gets me so confused and then tells me I'm misremembering things and that's not what happened. Things like that.