Rant family

So I've had problems with my 2 sister in laws, they both attacked me last pregnancy telling me to apologize for how I announced it because my husband and I decided we'd announce together but I'd tell my side how I want and when I was ready and he would tell his side when and how he wanted which he told a day later than me but I announced on my Facebook to my side and we told his family in person and they were mad we didnt tell them first which is our decision not theres and before that I was pregnant and didnt realize it yet and I took family photos of all the kids for free and I was exhausted (pregnant) didnt know why at the time so I uploaded them to the computer and told them to go through them and send themselves the ones they wanted because I wanted to go home and sleep and they got mad I didnt send them out. Well moving on one of my sis in laws is my husbands sister and the other was married in but they got a divorce, I know they both dont like me my husbands brother told me the other day it's because I say dumb stuff sometimes, and that really got to me like you really dont like someone over that? Well my brothers sis still hangs out with the ex sis in law and are friends and it gets on my nerves because she acts like a teenager and constantly starts drama so it kinda hurts that she thinks I'm worse. The ex sister in law is the type of person that is nice to your face and talks bad behind your back and I know shes talked badly about my husbands sister because shes talked about her to me and she also twists peoples words around. When they started a fight with me I told them I dont want to hang out with them one on one because they attack me and constantly start fights with me everytime it's too much stress for a pregnant woman and its uncomfortable and the ex sis in law told her husband that I said I didnt want to be around any of the family at all which really pissed me off. Do I have a right to be mad about all of this?