Deleting all forms of social media to spend more time with my son.

My 8 months old has had 2 horrid falls in the past 2 days because my partner and i haven't been watching him properly (been on our phones/laptop).

My son is #1. Before ANYTHING. I put my boy down for a nap and then go straight on my phone, he'll wake up and i'll complain that i'd had "no time to myself" HA. What a joke. I'm literally going to the shop today to buy a shitty brick phone strictly for calls and texts (no camera, no internet access) and getting rid of my 'smart phone' don't worry it's just a shitty android, not an iphone so it's not a big deal. I want to spend more time with my son, LOOKING at my son. Watching him grow. I just spent 4 months off of Facebook and it was great... as soon as i got it back i started falling into the internet/social media hole ONCE again. Neglecting household chores, responsiblities, putting my childs needs on delay for a couple of minutes to look at my phone and SCROLL. Social media addiction is a real thing. It's not fair for my son. I know people can say 'just put your phone down...' not that easy. I've also neglected my partner and his needs as well... NOT cool. I'm out. I HATE social media.