Money hungry

Excuse me for wanting my $500 you promised me. You told me you’d pay me back, then never did. When I asked, you called me selfish and greedy, and said “we buy you everything! We put a roof over your head and food in your stomach!” I’m sorry you decided to have kids? That money was for COLLEGE. A CAR so I can get to COLLEGE. Then I find out grandma wrote me a check for $500, and you decided to steal it for yourself. She wrote it in her notebook that she wrote out the check. She wouldn’t just FORGET she gave you $500 to give to me. Oh, and let’s not forget the time you stole my debit card and bought beer with MY money, again, FOR COLLEGE because I went shopping the day before and spent $30. It doesn’t matter if this was 2 years ago, I’m fucking tired of you stealing from my brother and I. Today you called my brother selfish because you promised him money, and NEVER paid him back. He’s selfish? You constantly take money from his bank account, and he doesn’t know the information to change the password so you can’t access it.

I think we know who the greedy/selfish one is.