My crazy fast birth story!!!

Brandy • I`m a 30 year old sahm of two tiny tots. I love The Lord and my family. I enjoy working out and cooking gourmet food.
He's here! Arrived at 7:39am, only 6 mins after ARRIVING at the hospital!!!!! I woke up having contractions at 5:30 and they were pretty mild. I got a shower, DH and I started getting ready... And the contractions kept getting stronger and stronger. We got in the car and I was in so much pain... But I thought we had time since my water hadn't broken. We took our oldest to the sitters (on the way to hospital) and DH talked me through contractions. Got to hospital, they wheeled me to my room. I barely got the gown on and my pants off... Nurse checked me and I heard her say "she's fully dilated" I started panicking because there was no time for ANY pain meds. No iv. No epidural. Nothing! I laid down and instinctively started pushing... The nurses yelled "don't push!!!" I apologized and said "I can't help it!" That's when DH came in after parking the car. He told me I screamed hysterically two times and the nurses helped me breathe while he grabbed tight of my hand. I pushed twice and he was out!!! Felt much better!!! 
What a crazy ride.. But he's so worth it.
Here he is...
Ian Michael
19 3/4inches long