A call that broke my heart

My husband has family in California. Needless to say...they are a little on edge right now.

He was born and raised in California and always remembered the talk of the “Big One”. He himself...never worried about it, but now it’s sounding real. His cousins live in the Bay Area and the waiting game is on. Might happen for them or it might not. (That’s the part about earthquakes that I wouldn’t be able to handle). We were on a Skype call with his cousins today and they started talking about feeling some of the tremors. You could tell they were nervous. My husband managed to get them onto a different topic to try and take the focus off of earthquakes, but the youngest cousin, who is just a few years older than our daughter, stopped him and said “you’ll come help us...right?”

She wanted to know if he would help them if the big one happens. Of course he would. He’d pack a bag in a heartbeat and find any way he can to get there. And he would never think twice about it.

Hearing her ask him that just broke my heart. I don’t know why. I don’t know if it was the way she asked, or the fact that it was obvious that she’s scared, or that she seemed so relieved to hear him say “yes”, which to me meant she was afraid he would say no.