Am I asking to much ?!?

So I’m a stay at home mum to a beautiful 1 year old which I am so great full that I am able to do but recently in our home there has been many many arguments over the fact that my partner does absolutely nothing when he gets home and on the weekends and I’m not saying I want him to do everything I’m only asking for a little help with maybe doing the dishes for me or filling up the bottles or even taking the washing off the line it’s never anything major or more then one task

He responds with a tantrum like a child and explains that it’s my job to do those things and he shouldn’t have to do a single thing in this house because it is apparently my job to pick up after him like he is a 5 year old and I’m his mother which majorly bothers me he is a grown adult and you would think putting your rubbish In the bin yourself and putting your own dirty clothes in the basket or your dirty dishes in the sink as a general thing you would do yourself as an adult...

when I ask him to do those simple things himself it breaks out in full blown arguments of me doing nothing all day and our son isn’t hard to take care of and I don’t deserve to sit down and relax like he does any day of the week because I don’t work out of the home

I do contribute financially to our home so it’s not just him as the only income and I understand work is tiring and wanting to relax when your home but I don’t feel like I ask for much just a tiny bit of help with little things

All his childlike behaviours and rude nasty comments towards me when I ask for help is starting to build as resentment towards him I try to talk to him about how I feel but he would respond with denial point blank and say I don’t feel that way and it’s not his fault it’s my problem not his and he does nothing wrong and so on and so on

So I’m just generally asking what can I do to fix this I’m at a loss at the moment and fear nothing will ever be different.... I don’t want to live my life being expected to be a slave to a full grown man ?

Am I asking too much of him