LEEP Gone Wrong


Hey y’all...I’m just feeling bad and need to vent. I don’t want this post to prevent ANYONE from having a LEEP, clearly cervical cancer would be worse than this, but I feel like a mountain of shit. I also think I’m the one in 100 that the doctors don’t tell you about, generally these things are no big deal.

I had precancerous cells on my cervix after an abnormal pap and colposcopy and had to have a LEEP done to remove them. Generally it’s a quick & easy procedure and you basically go back to your regular life afterwards. The procedure itself took less than 2 minutes and there was no bleeding and minimal pain for the next few days. I was super impressed & relieved.

Then on day 5 I started bleeding. I figured my period must have started early cos this procedure riled things up. Then I ended up in excruciating pain, now I’m waiting on an endometriosis ‘diagnosis’ and normally have pain in my cervix & whatnot, but this was much worse than my daily pains. Then my pelvis hurt like a bitch and my back and my ovaries. Call the gyno and apparently I’m fine and this is all normal.

TLDR: I bled for over 3 weeks, 24/7 pain, missed a ton of work, called gyno, told me again that I’m fine. Called telecare (Canadian service of registered nurses) who told me to go to the hospital, 20 hours & 4 trips to the hospital ended in me being swabbed, gushing blood and pain killers. Oh. I was also unable to sleep for the majority of the 3 weeks because of the pain. Even at this point, I can still only sleep on my back to minimize the pain.

So last Wednesday, I stopped bleeding & spotting. I was in a little less pain and thought holy fuck, I might see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Today my period or some sort of bleeding started. And I REALLY hope I’m worrying for nothing, but I can’t go through that whole ordeal again. I’m tired of not being able to live my regular life, of being exhausted and of bleeding nonstop.

The only horribly humorous part of all of this is I also have IBS...so all my IBS sisters likely know that your period makes it sooo much worse. A week into my initial bleeding, I’d been pooping nonstop and end up with ONE hemorrhoid. I have never had these before in my life, but the universe thought now would be an appropriate time 😂🤦‍♀️

Here are my dogs. They’ve enjoyed all the napping and time at home with me.