My story— I lost my baby at 38.5 weeks

Brianna 💋 • Mama to Mason & Jaxson 💙

So I went to my regular 38 week appointment on Tuesday June 11th and everything was normal, his heart rate was 145 but my blood pressure was 140/90 so she told me to come back on Thursday and if my blood pressure was still high then I would be induced because she was concerned that I was flirting with preeclampsia. So I went in on Thursday, I had felt Jaxson that morning but very faintly so I mentioned that to her, then she checked my blood pressure and it was still high so she sent me to the hospital and wanted them to monitor me and baby and then I was going to be induced. I was so excited to have my baby boy. I get to the hospital and the out true monitor on and they weren’t able to find his heartbeat, so my doctor came in and did an ultrasound and then an ultrasound tech did another one to confirm that his heart was no longer beating. Hearing those words “there is no heartbeat” was the worst thing I have ever heard in my entire life. I had just gone in for a doctors appointment the Tuesday before that and his heartbeat was strong like it always was and I had just felt him that morning! How could this have happened so fast? My heart dropped and I immediately broke down. I went in thinking I was going to have my precious baby in the next day or 2 and now I wasn’t going to get him. We started the induction process and I gave birth to him on June 14th at 6:05pm. He was 5lbs, 7oz and 19 inches. His cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times and around his left arm 1 time— this was determined as his cause of death. He just went to sleep in those few hours before I went in 😞 i think the hardest part for me was how close I was to being able to have him and that he was taken away from me at the last second. He was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. We got plenty of time to hold him and say goodbye and we took a bunch of pictures. All of the nurses and doctors at Swedish Edmonds are incredible, they made the experience as painless as possible. I am forever grateful for them all. We buried him at Acacia Memorial Park in the Children’s Garden and it was a beautiful service, everything we could have asked for. ❤️ We are still grieving, but we know this is part of Gods plan and purpose for our life. Jaxson Thomas Joseph Seifert is watching over us now and is our own personal guardian angel ❤️

Here is an edited picture of him so it’s not so hard to look around

I’m devastated. I’ve wanted to be a mom my whole life and he gets ripped away from me at the last minute. It’s hard to even breathe. I miss my baby so much. 💔