When do you know it’s over

Married for 10 years already 3 kids together but we fight all the time! Literally I’m just tired of it. I feel like he doesn’t respect me enough on what I do all day (sahm) he will speak on my family good or bad but I’m tired of him always having an opinion over my family whatever the situation is. Sometimes he’s too hard on the kids and I don’t like that so we will fight on that! I feel unappreciated bc of all I do for the kids all day it’s like it’s nothing to him. We’ve talked about it but we get no where. I can admit my faults I have a bad mouth and I apologize I’m trying so hard not to say bad things to him but he doesn’t admit to anything. I do love him but I’m tired so tired of fighting and defending myself basically! And when it comes to his family I can’t say anything of them. he also thinks I hate his mom which I don’t but he thinks I don’t like her bc I never want her over but I’m not a people person. I don’t like anyone over at my house it’s like my safe private place. I’m the same way with my family. Plus she has a boyfriend who I don’t like much. He always smoking around my kids and I hate that!! But I have no problem with his mom. So lately we’ve been fighting over everything I just listed above to what I do to the kids to his mom 😩I’m so done. Another thing I hate is we fight all day don’t make up or say sorry and he wants to have sex with me but I’m sorry no way I’m still mad how can I have sex with u right now and that adds to more problems. I’m not sure what to do anymore? I’m honestly Looking for some input please no rude comments

He’s a good person I know he loves me and we have our good times but this fight has been going on for about a week and I can’t it’s the same thing again and again we can be ok for months then we fight again over the same stuff