Bottle help 🍼

Amanda • Wife + Mom to sweet baby girl born 9/3/18 🌺

So, my little one is 10 months and 1 week old. She's suddenly completely refusing her bottles.

At her 9 month check-up the pediatrician said she needed to still be getting 20 oz per day. She loves eating solids (we did baby LED weaning) and she loves drinking water from her sippy cup at meals. Her solids never interfered with her formula intake previously.

However, she was sick a few weeks ago, and during that her eating decreased for a bit. She's been on the chunkier side so it wasn't a problem. But since then her eating has not picked back up, and within the past few days she's been eating less than 10 oz per day. It's currently 5:41 p.m. here, and she has only had 4 oz this entire day. I don't know what to do. I've tried different cups, different temperatures, and even called the pediatrician. They said to decrease her solids in hopes that she will start eating more formula. They said if she does not get back up to the 20 oz within a few days that I need to bring her in. I'm so tired of taking her into the doctor and all of the bills. She was in a lot recently because she had enterovirus. I just don't know what to do to get her to drink her bottles.

Have any of you had success in getting your LO's formula/breastmilk intake back up when they went on strike? My LO has been crying all day because she's hungry, but she WILL NOT take this bottle. I'm so frustrated and upset. Idk what to do.