Daycare venting session


So, we love our daycare with one exception... they keep pushing cereal! I talked to our pediatrician about solids, she recommended waiting until our daughter was 6 months old (she’s breast fed) but said we could start a little earlier if we thought she was ready. They’ve been asking since 3 months! 😳 They are from a time when you would mix it in a bottle and feed them, so they asked about that. I’ve told them I’ll let them know when she’s ready but dang are they persistent! She’ll be 5 months next week, and I know it’s not gonna hurt her to try cereal and such but I just haven’t felt the need. Any who, long story short, they keep asking and making comments like ‘we’ll we’ve been doing this for 30 years and nothing bad has happened from trying cereal!’ I’m feeling slightly bullied about it regardless of my attempts to tell them no, I’ll tell you. The facility is run by a husband and wife registered with the state, and the wife is giving me the cold shoulder! I mean what the heck! It’s my kid! Venting session over 😆 any other Momma’s out there having any daycare issues?