Tripp update

Emory • Momma to Tripp Grubbs born on May 5th at 3:22 pm. He was born at 1 pound 12.4 ounces and 12.79 inches long at 25 weeks.

Please continue to pray for Tripp. He did have an A&B after this shots Monday so then we were looking at bring him home this Monday but now his reflux is acting up again (we’ve had a problem with it from the start). He’s had an A&B yesterday and today because of it now we are looking at next Thursday. This momma is beyond ready to get him home but if his reflux keeps getting worse it will be a while longer. Please pray that his reflux gets better so we can bring him home. Right now the only way we can bring him home any earlier is if they send him home on a monitor.