I hate gross people and I'm losing my shit *rant*


Apparently grown ass adults are incapable of cleaning up after themselves, who knew? I'm 37 weeks pregnant and my mother and husband are doing their best to help me stay calm since I have chronic HBP and am irritated by just about everything...and then there's my dad and brother making it that much harder. We all live in the same house at the moment until hubby and I and my mom move next year, and it is HELL living either with these two idiots. My brother is in his mid 30s, my dad in his 70s, and they're both such SLOBS, and I don't mean just messy either. Both of them seem to have an aversion to showering, washing their hands, cleaning up after themselves, pitching in with housework, or even wearing clean clothes. The past 3 days I've had to clean actual SHIT off both toilet seats after one of them used it and I had to use it next. WHY ME? I'm losing my mind trying to deal with these two and not just tell them to get the hell out. We can't afford this place without them at the moment so in the meantime I've just had to tell them to stay out of my way and not to even THINK about touching my daughter after she's born. Ugh I'm so tired of having to clean up after adults 😡