Moody dog


What do you do with your fur baby who you’ve grown to love so much who has started biting? 😭

In the last few months, he has:

He bit my dad (does not live with us, but dog is familiar with him) while he was trying to clip his leash on to his collar & drew blood.

He bit my 3 y/o niece who fell on him (I get he was scared, but still). Scraped the skin, did not break it.

He bit my husband in the nose because he laid his head on his bottom/back area while petting him.

Bit my cousins son (8 y/o) because despite the warning, he tried to pet him while he was growling at an unfamiliar dog who had just nipped at him. Did not break skin.

He bit me this morning while cuddling with me after my hubs yelled loudly at the Xbox & startled him.

I understand he has triggers, seemingly as if he does it when he’s startled, but I cannot stand the thought of living the rest of his life being scared of when he will bite us/someone.

I truly understand safety is a concern, but I want to try every avenue before putting him down. Especially since 95% of the time, he is a very sweet loving boy.