Just not happy with my marriage anymore

Been with my husband almost 20 years we’ve had a lot of ups and downs. But we had a baby a year ago and he wanted me home with her so I quit my job and for 5 months I stayed home. Then we decided I could go back to work part time so I did we needed the extra money and it got me out of the house to interact with other adults cause being a SAHM is lonely sometimes with a baby. Well fast forward 8 months daughters sleeping schedule changed and I was working 3rd shift and she was waking up and keeping him up. Well considering he makes significantly more money then I did he made the decision for me to quit my job. I’m fine with being home but now he throws it up in my face when I do anything.


1. Took our daughter to see his mom in the nursing home. His mom hasn’t seen our daughter since March and has only seen her like 3-4 times in a year.

2. My sister came in town from another state (she lives 8 hours away) so that was an issue

3. His sister in law offered to pay for my nails to get done because she wants company and she knows we can’t afford things like that.

Like because I’m not working I’m not allowed to do anything but sit in the house all day unless I’m going to the store which has to be something he want me to get from the store.

If you read this far thank you I just needed to vent somewhere.