A week late for AF-Please help

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So I have been trying to concieve for 11 months now, my period always comes after CD 29, well it never came which is very unusual for me...now here I am a whole week late which has never happened!!! I have had 2 pregnancies my daughter age 5 and a miscarriage at 13 weeks....I have taken 3 tests since the day after my missed period all negative it has been about 3 days since I have taken one? I recently had a UTI so I started drinking lots of water to flush it out, which is causeing me to pee ALOT including through the night? I have been doing this since before I tested, so I was thinking maybe I don't have a positive bc my urine is diluted? Or maybe this UTI knocked my period off track? Is any of these two suggestions even possible? I'm starting to worry.. Any one experience becoming pregnant while having a UTI?💗