Clomid Cycle 3. When to Test?

Lucy • 1x Clomid baby. Born March 2020 🥰 1x non Clomid baby 😂. Born July 2022 Currently breastfeeding 18 month old

Hi guys,

I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years. I have been diagnosed with PCOS and started on metformin and then Clomid.

My first cycle was on 50 mg and I didn’t ovulate.

My second cycle was 100mg and I didn’t ovulate. I was starting to get really stressed over it and wondering what my next step would be.

However, this cycle, I had blood progesterone tests and day 21 was 20.4 and day 25 was 34! So I ovulated! Yay.

I am now at day 34 of my cycle and experiencing cramping and sore boobs.

What day should I expect AF to appear? Or should I do a pg test?

What day did I ovulate?

I’ve been putting off the test because i just don’t want to face another negative!

Baby dust to all xxxx