Trying again after Loss?


I am currently going through my first ever miscarriage ..

This is pregnancy #3 for me. I’ve been fortunate enough to have two successful pregnancies prior to this , giving me my boys .

I just have this feeling of when I’ve completely gotten through this , I want to try again .i feel like that is so horrible to even think about ... I know you cannot help the way you feel sometimes but ... just seems like I would be saying “I didn’t care about this pregnancy “ if I did that . (Not that i don’t or didn’t, I’ve just been sorting through my emotions the last few days)

Since I have never been through this before , when could you try again ? I loss this pregnancy at 5w 2d , no heartbeat , empty sac . I don’t know if that matters about recovery or how quick after . I guess I don’t know much of anything .

Also when trying again , how quickly did you conceive ? Is it true that you’re more fertile after a loss ? I feel like that is also why I want to try again almost immediately if that’s the case.