Why is my period always late when I have sex?

Everytime I have sex with my boyfriend, My period come in late, Sometimes a couple days or a month.... Or 2... we use condoms and sometimes without for like 10 sec... (no he doesn’t cum inside me) But I don’t kno why it comes so late! Help? P.s my periods are already always irregular even when I don’t have sex.

Update: I Do Get Stressed And Get very paranoid about “what if I’m pregnant” or something like that. And I have talked to my mom about birth control, And I know this seems bad , She doesn’t know I’m sexually active, I am still 17 and she doesn’t really want me to use birth control because she says that when I get older and I want to have kids I’m gonna struggle, She also thinks that I just want it to be “free” to do whatever, But really when I do get my period, I have the worst cramps, Like if I could imagine giving birth but just really reallyyy bad cramps