Too much or no?

So to make a long story short I got my heart broken by the man I was going to marry. Decided I wanted to get out there and try sex with new people. I hooked up with the guy I kinda talked to in high school. It was trash. The chemistry wasn’t there I was wondering the whole time why I ever even liked him. But I wanted it to be someone I was already familiar with. Fast forward to me chilling with his friend, we had a blasssst. Stayed up for hours just talking and really enjoying each others company. We both admitted to crushing on one another in hs but not pursuing it because I was one of his friends play things. I want him 🤷🏼‍♀️💯 but I don’t wanna be loving the crew😭 the chemistry is there and we just vibe! Should I say fuck it or, just let it go?

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